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Independent lawyers helping each other
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The Lex Amici members’ directory lets you share information about yourself with other barristers and solicitors nationally. You choose the information that best describes you
as a lawyer and that you want people to know about you.
Members can use the directory to find a solicitor from Warrnambool who has a lot of experience in leasing.
To find a barrister in Sydney who specialises in medial law.
Or to find lawyers interested in alternative fee arrangements.
Unlimited by States
Unlimited by the type of lawyer you are
Access limited to fellow lawyers
Update your information at any time
Add photos, links, articles & multimedia
Willingness to mentor
Access limited to fellow lawyers
Makes good referrals easier
At some time or other we have all been helped by another practitioner.
Whatever the problem, help is given in confidence and with no obligation or expectation. That is the way of the legal profession.
Lex Amici includes a list of lawyers who are willing to help others and their backgrounds. So you can find the right person
to help you when you need it.
Make yourself comfortable, sit back and go online to start or join a conversation with other lawyers.
You might want to talk about your day, a problem client or a legal issue. Whatever it is, just go on line and see if any other lawyers around Australia want to have a conversation about it.
Lex Amici can get you all face to face over the internet. We can fit vision of up to eight people at the same time on the one screen in your internet browser. Or you can go old school and just talk or type.
No software setup
Works through Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and other browsers
Available 24/7 – if anyone else is up
Multiple streams of conversation
Use laptop camera, microphone and speakers or plug in a headset or camera Add photos, links, articles & multimedia
Discussion groups help you to find like-minded lawyers who want to discuss a topic. You can bounce ideas
around amongst each other. Find out what others are doing. Ask a question. Give your point of view.
You can read and contribute in your own time when it suits you.
Find an existing group or start your own
Decide if anyone can join or if it is by invitation only
Choose what messages you receive
Set your privacy levels
Use Lex Amici to arrange your next gathering in real life or on-line.
It might be for a local lawyers’ lunch or drink or to meet some of the other people you have met online. Or it might be to arrange to catch up for a group discussion using Chat or AV Chat at a particular day and time
You choose what sort of event you want to organise. Pick a time and place and discuss the details online. Choose who you want to invite and whether they can invite others. Track whether or not they are attending.
Browse or search for events
Make an event private or public
Choose who to invite
Simple messaging to guests
Lawyers helping each other works both ways.
If another lawyer is out of their depth with something or have a file that is outside of their field of
practice then what are they to do? Lex Amici gives you extra opportunities to let them know about
you and your willingness to take on all or part of the work.
Or, why they should choose you to act as counsel.
Promote your
Your milestone
your special areas
of practice
Your availability
to discuss
the file
Membership of Lex Amici is only available to practising solicitors and barristers.
$23 monthly or $245 by annual subscription. What is solving a problem or getting a good referral worth to you?
If you don’t like Lex Amici and tell us in the first 30 days we’ll give you your money back.